Ian Hewitt

Ian Hewitt

Teaching Associate

Phone: Email: ihewitt@coastal.edu Office Hours:


Student/Office Hours 

See syllabus.


Before transitioning to Astronomy, Ian Hewitt held multiple technical positions with Motorola in hardware, software and solutions architecture using open standards-based hardware and software.  He participated in cross vendor standards committees and worked on many projects involving high availability and communications systems with a global customer base. After earning a degree in astronomy, he started working on galactic astronomy studies and applications of machine learning in astronomy. Ian Hewitt is the lead programmer for the data analysis pipeline for the Spiral Graph project on the Zooniverse citizen science platform. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and a member of the American Astronomical society.


  • M.S. in Astronomy, Swinburne Institute of Technology
  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of South Carolina
  • B.S. in Computer Engineering, University of South Florida

Teaching/Research Interests

Extra-galactic astronomy, galaxy morphology, machine learning and data analysis in astronomy, astronomical image analysis, observational astronomy, teaching scientific reasoning, teaching effective programming, computer architecture, computer machine language, and performance analysis