Till J.J. Hanebuth

Till J.J. Hanebuth

Professor, Marine Science

Phone: 843-349-2753 Email: thanebuth@coastal.edu Office Hours:





Habilitation, University of Bremen/Germany, Marine Geosciences, 2010 
D.Sc., Chr.-Albrechts-University Kiel/Germany, Marine Geology, 2000
M.Sc., Philipps-University Marburg/Germany, Geology-Paleontology, 1996
B.Sc., University of Hamburg/Germany, Geology-Paleontology, 1993

Till Hanebuth's vita

Geosystem VIP website

Research and Teaching Interests

My Coastal Geosystems Research Lab deals with a number of geo-projects in the field of fundamental (sea level variability and coastal change, river deltas and human land modification, sediment- /hydrodynamics on continental shelves, paleoceanography and -climate) and applied (silting and erosion issues, heavy metal contamination, floating anthropogenic debris) research.

We cooperate with various universities and public institutions in South Carolina. Our projects are also performed in collaboration with colleagues in North Carolina, Georgia, Massachusetts and California, as well as Germany, Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Argentina.

I teach various courses in coastal and marine geoscience and sustainable governance at undergraduate, MS and PhD levels, and offer undergraduate and graduate students a wide range of opportunities to gain experience as members of our research team (MSCI 395, 399, 497H, 700, 799).

Please reach out to me if you are interested in learning more about our projects, field and lab activities as well as opportunities to join the team.

Areas of Expertise

  • Marine geosciences
  • Coastal changes
  • Climate and ocean
  • Continental shelves and slopes
  • Sedimentology/geochemistry/hydrodynamics
  • Sea level and flooding
  • Geohazards
  • Human impacts

Recent Publications

Burge EJ, Luff SC, Ludwick CE, Coleman NC, Touse RR, Hanebuth TJJ (accepted) Depredation by Bottle-nose Dolphins Tursiops truncatus from Antillean Z-traps at Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Caribbean Naturalist.

Carrión-Torrente A, Lobo FJ, Puga-Bernabéu A, Luján M, Mendes I, Hanebuth TJJ, Lebreiro S, García M, Reguera MI, Antón L, Van Rooij D, Cerrillo-Escoriza J (2023) Two generations of incised valleys on the Algarve Shelf, northern Gulf of Cadiz margin: Controlling factors in a low fluvial supply setting. Continental Shelf Research 266, 105095. 10.1016/j.csr.2023.105095. 

Shaw TA, Li T, Ng T, Cahill N, Chua S, Majewski J, Nathan Y, Garner G, Kopp R, Hanebuth TJJ, Switzer A, Horton BP (2023) Deglacial perspectives of future sea level for Singapore. Nature Communications Earth & Environment 4, 204. 10.1038/s43247-023-00868-5.

Klicpera A, Carranza A, Chiessi CM, Franco-Fraguas P, Hanebuth TJJ, Westphal H (2023) Western South Atlantic seasonal variability recorded in a mid-deglacial bivalve from the outer Uruguayan continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research 261, 105014. 10.1016/j.csr.2023.105014.

Kudrass HR, Hanebuth TJJ, Zander AM, Linstädter J, Akther HS, Showrup UM (2022) Architecture and function of salt-producing kilns from the 8th to 18th century in the coastal Sundarbans mangrove forest, Central Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh. Archaeological Research in Asia 32, 100412. 10.1016/j.ara.2022.100412.

Hanebuth TJJ, Kudrass HR, Zander AM, Akhter HS, Neumann-Denzau G, Zahid A (2022) Stepwise, earth-quake-driven coastal subsidence in southwestern Bangladesh (Sundarbans) since the eighth century deduced from submerged in situ kiln remnants and mangrove stumps. Natural Hazards 111, 163-190. 10.1007/s11069-021-05048-2.

Shen Z, Conway N, Hanebuth TJJ (2021) A novel binary pipette splitting sediment subsampling method for improving reproducibility in laser-diffraction particle-size analysis. MethodX 101493. 10.1016/j.mex.2021.101493

Long JH, Hanebuth TJJ, Clark A, Wehmiller J (2021) Depositional Environments and Stratigraphy of Qua-ternary Paleochannel Systems Offshore of the Georgia Bight, Southeastern USA. Journal of Coastal Research 37 (5), 883-905. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-20-00088.1.

Hanebuth TJJ, King ML, Lobo FJ, Mendes I (2021) Formation history and material budget of Holocene shelf mud depocenters in the Gulf of Cadiz. Sedimentary Geology 421, 105956. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2021.105956.

Porz L, Zhang W, Hanebuth TJJ, Schramm C (2021) Physical processes controlling mud depocenter development on continental shelves – Geological, oceanographic, and modeling concepts. Marine Geology 432, 106402. 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106402.

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